Gabe’s First Job

Any typical day at Independence Center, you would find Gabe delivering the mail, taking lunch orders or discussing the latest movies to hit the theater. But not lately. And that’s a good thing. Gabe began his first transitional employment job at Clean Uniform this past April and has been rocking and rolling ever since! He […]
St. Louis CEOs Cha Cha for Mental Illness

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE St. Louis CEOs Cha Cha for Mental Illness Fundraising Dance Competition to Benefit Independence Center WHAT: Dancing with the St. Louis Stars, a benefit for Independence Center WHEN: Saturday, January 23, 2016 WHERE: The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis, 100 Carondelet Plaza, St. Louis 63105 TICKETS: $250 Ticket / $2,500 Table – Includes cocktails, dinner, […]
The Power of Education

One of the cornerstones of Independence Center’s mission is to assist members in their pursuit of education; this often stems from a desire to move forward in the workforce. Education staff works closely with members to establish personalized education plans to transform these ambitions into reality. Furthermore, Independence Center offers assistance with the schooling application […]
Diminishing Homelessness

As recently reported by the City of St. Louis Department of Human Services, 100% of chronically homeless people in St. Louis have diagnosed disabilities, 70% have a mental illness and 33% have a substance abuse problem. Research additionally shows that one-third of all people who are homeless live with mental illness. Mental illness leads to […]
Healthcare Home Yields Member Success

Mental illness does not solely affect cognitive processes; Mental illness causes significant strain on the overall physical well-being of an individual. Most people affected by mental illness live well below the poverty line, ultimately resulting in circumstances unconducive to healthy living. A combination of poor nutritional habits along with the various side effects associated with […]

Independence Center is partnering with the St. Louis Cardinals and Yoga Six to host Yoga @ Busch Stadium May on 17. Join the fun and post a picture on Facbook and Twitter by April 30 of you in your favorite yoga pose with hashtag #bend2benefitIC to be entered to win a free Yogi entry to […]
Independence Center Master Gardeners

The Missouri Botanical Gardens is an organization dedicated to the preservation and enrichment of gardening. Founded in 1859, it is the nation’s oldest botanical garden in operation and is a national historic landmark. One of the many activities offered by Missouri Botanical Gardens is their Master Gardeners program. This unique program offers horticulture information and […]
Planned Giving and the Art of Paying it Forward

There is an old Hasidic story of the Rabbi who had a conversation with the Lord about Heaven and Hell. “I will show you Hell,” said the Lord and led the Rabbi into a room in the middle of which was a very big, round table. The people sitting at it were famished and desperate. […]
Stigma-Free Workplace: No Jerks at Work

On October 24, 2014 Panera Bread and Independence Center (IC) teamed up to host a Lunch & Learn at Panera’s Baguette University learning facility at their Support Center, Panera’s St. Louis headquarters. Independence Center members candidly shared their personal testimony, information on how Independence Center serves our community and tips to combat stigma of mental […]
Partners in Productivity: Wells Fargo

Independence Center partners with St. Louis-area employers like Wells Fargo Advisors who provide meaningful job opportunities to adults living with severe and persistent mental illness. Delonda Howard is an Independence Center participant currently working as an operations clerk at Wells Fargo Advisors where she organizes and distributes office supplies that assist with implementing new business […]