40 Stories in 40 Days

We are so excited to finally publish the 40 Stories in 40 Days project!! The 40 Stories in 40 Days project has three main objectives: (i) to provide a platform for our community to share their stories of mental illness and recovery (ii) to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness in the larger community (iii) to provide purpose-filled work for our members during the work ordered day. The daily activity of our Clubhouse is organized around a structured system known as the work-ordered day. The work-ordered day is an eight-hour period which mirrors the typical expectations and relationships of the working community.

So many members and staff have been a part of the project over the past couple months and we cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work and support! Each story is different and unique but all of them are impactful and showcase the importance of having Independence Center in our community. All of the video content in the films is directed, produced, edited, and published by our members and staff (A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT)!!

  1. 09/04/2018 – Introduction to 40 Stories, Mark
  2. 09/05/2018 – JJ
  3. 09/06/2018 – Stephanie Wolk
  4. 09/07/2018 – Pamela Winn
  5. 09/08/2018 – Kelly
  6. 09/09/2018 – DeAndra
  7. 09/10/2018 – Rita
  8. 09/11/2018 – Dean
  9. 09/12/2018 – Swiss
  10. 09/13/2018 – Alesia Allen
  11. 09/14/2018 – Steve Whyte
  12. 09/15/2018 – Egg Drop Larry
  13. 09/16/2018 – Joanie
  14. 09/17/2018 – Michael Johnson
  15. 09/18/2018 – Selah Baker
  16. 09/19/2018 – Gavin Fin
  17. 09/20/2018 – Fannie
  18. 09/21/2018 – Tom Constantin
  19. 09/22/2018 – Joanne Johnson
  20. 09/23/2018 – Dennis Jones
  21. 09/24/2018 – Taurus
  22. 09/25/2018 – Marco
  23. 09/26/2018 – Alanda
  24. 09/27/2018 – Joe Shaffer
  25. 09/28/2018 – George Brooks
  26. 09/29/2018 – Jean Mcpherson
  27. 09/30/2018 – Alex Johnson
  28. 10/01/2018 – Pat Wirthlin
  29. 10/02/2018 – Lynn Lupo
  30. 10/03/2018 – Pat Marshall
  31. 10/04/2018 – Quishawn
  32. 10/05/2018 – Sam G.
  33. 10/06/2018 – Mary Kisner
  34. 10/07/2018 – Gabe
  35. 10/08/2018 – Sam Minnis
  36. 10/09/2018 – Sunny
  37. 10/10/2018 – Ben Wuebbels
  38. 10/11/2018 – Crispy Edge
  39. 10/12/2018 – Juron Macon
  40. 10/13/2018 – Compilation Summary Video