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Home / Colleague Training Options
This three-week training experience is designed for new start-up Clubhouses or programs converting to the Clubhouse model from another service approach. Tuition includes training and lodging for the Clubhouse director, one staff person and one member. Additionally, tuition includes training and lodging for an individual with administrative oversight responsibility for the Clubhouse for the last week of the training program. The tuition fee includes a post-site visit to the Clubhouse for onsite consultation and assistance, approximately six to nine months after the training.
*Cost of training includes an additional 3% fee charges for credit cards payments.
This three-week training experience is equivalent to training for first time participants but is designed for Clubhouses where the Clubhouse director has already been to training. Tuition includes training and lodging for one member and one staff person for three weeks. Additionally, tuition includes training and lodging for an individual with administrative oversight responsibility for the last week of the training program. Clubhouses requesting a post training site visit will be responsible to pay expenses which exceed $500.00 USD.
Additional participants for the entire training period = $2,000 USD per person
Additional administrators for the last week of training = $900 USD per person (Purchase reservations for additional participants and/or administrators under *Ongoing Training – Additional Participant *Ongoing Training – Administrator [Last week only] through the online form)
*An Intensive two week training option is also available on a limited basis at several Training Bases. Fees for two week training are the same as above. See Training Calendar for dates.
*Cost of training includes an additional 3% fee charges for credit cards payments.
This training is designed for established Clubhouses with specific issues or interests related to employment, education, residential, work-ordered day, young adult programming (for certified Clubhouse only) or leadership concerns at the Clubhouse. Tuition includes training and lodging for one staff person and one member during the weeklong training.
Additional participants = $900 USD per person (You can purchase reservations for additional participants through the online form.)
*Cost of training includes an additional 3% fee charges for credit cards payments.
A three-day introduction to the Clubhouse model is provided for interested individuals not currently affiliated with an established Clubhouse. This orientation is meant to be a brief overview of the Clubhouse way of working and not a substitute for Clubhouse training. Tuition includes the overview program and lodging for two people (a mental health consumer and a staff person or other interested party) for two nights and three days.
Additional participants = $500 USD per person (You can purchase reservations for additional participants through the online form.)
*Cost of training includes an additional 3% fee charges for credit cards payments.
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