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Home / Independence Center Impact Report 2021
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The end of Fiscal Year 2021 (FY 21) continued to shed light on the extraordinary need for the mental health care and socialization services provided by Independence Center. The continued effects of COVID-19 on our society as a whole present themselves in new ways, forcing us to remain nimble, while not losing focus on being accessible and effective for the vulnerable populations we serve.
In the role of Executive Director, I am here to guide the organization in terms of quality of care and growth. I hope you will find in this letter and report examples of how our staff have achieved success in the past year, and you’ll see the proof of our importance internally and to the greater St. Louis community.
As the organization continued to make virtual services available, returning to in-person services wherever possible while keeping our members, staff and community safe was of highest priority.
Prompt response for compliance with CDC recommendation and following the guidance of the local medical community was vital to our existence, and we can report that our staff were able to become fully vaccinated, as well 68% of our residential and member population. Vaccines were administered onsite, and have allowed us to be here for those who need us most.
We have recognized the unique struggles our members have faced in this past year, and placed continued focus on accessible virtual and in-person services, suicide prevention programs and aging-in-place assistance. We apply the highest level of quality assurance measures across all programming to ensure quality healthcare for everyone served. And we continue to explore and introduce additional, important efforts, working to always:
Because we operate on a fee-for-services model with charitable giving providing secondary income, Development and Fundraising was critical to our continued purpose and success in this fiscal year. And, our team and funders have truly come through, supporting us during this time.
Independence Center remains committed to providing the most exceptional care to anyone with a severe and persistent mental illness, regardless of their ability to pay. Each day, members rely on Independence Center to help manage their illness, find belonging and purpose, and gain the independence to live a healthy, quality life. We hope you will consider how we rely on your generous support as we provide members this path to better mental health.
Patricia Holmes
Executive Director
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