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Home / MHB Invests in Restoring Lives
St. Louis Mental Health Board Grant
Investing in the value of returning to work
“I’m sorry. We do not have a position for you at this time.”
This is the response too often heard to those living with chronic mental illness. Whether it’s a gap in employment history or the stigma that still exists, the *national unemployment rate for individuals receiving public mental health services is approximately 80 percent. (*National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Our friends at the St. Louis Mental Health Board awarded Independence Center a three-year grant from the Community Mental Health fund that will allow us to provide vital services that champion members who reside in St. Louis city on their path to employment. The Community Mental Health Fund enables MHB to invest in evidence-based practices designed to address adult behavioral and substance abuse challenges.
We are thankful for community partners like the St. Louis Mental Health Board for supporting our mission of providing a comprehensive system of high quality programs and services that assists adults in the St. Louis metropolitan area with serious and persistent mental illnesses to live and work in the community, independently and with dignity.
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