Virtual Clubhouse Update

We are thrilled with the participation on the Independence Center Virtual Clubhouse Group on Facebook. The group was created last week and now has 118 members with more 175 posts and countless reactions, comments, and connectivity.
In a matter of a week, this has fundamentally shifted the way we think about Clubhouse and connection. Social distancing does not mean social isolation and there have been so many important adjustments to our Clubhouse program. Today, the Clubhouse hosted their first ever Zoom House meeting and had 50 participants all contributing to the meeting. Clubhouse Street Level Supervisor, Michael Johnson says “I can’t believe how much better is makes me feel to see everyone’s face on my computer screen!”.
Information on how Independence Center is operating the virtual Clubhouse can be found on our website. Check in with your unit staff or CSS to see how you can get involved.


New Resources

We added a page on the Independence Center website under ‘Support’ called ‘Resources‘. It includes information on a variety of resources including COVID-19, Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Utilities, Food/Children, Housing, and General Health Assistance. If you are in need of a resource not listed or have a suggestion, send it our way. We will update the page regularly.


Adjusting Care at Welcome Center & ICHG

Welcome Center is still open during the COVID-19 outbreak but are currently conducting screenings by phone to ensure the health and safety of our staff. We are currently accepting new patients for community support, psychiatry, and counseling. ICHG is also open and primarily seeing patients by phone. If you have a scheduled appointment for an injection, please arrive at your scheduled appointment time. Screenings will be conducted on all patients prior to entering the building. If you have questions about an upcoming appointment, please reach out to a unit or CSS staff.


Welcoming New Residents

The Residential program is welcoming two new residents this week at Stupp and Newstead. Residential has been practicing social distancing and will continue to do so during the COVID-19 outbreak. Residential supervisor, Cathy Upton says, the staff “are doing a great job. I am really proud of them”. If you have suggestions for how the residents can entertain themselves while continuing to practice social distancing, please send your suggestions to us.
We are committed to supporting our members during this time. If you have ideas or suggestions on how to continue to build out this Virtual Clubhouse environment, we would love to hear your feedback. Please call the Clubhouse at 314-533-4245 to share you thoughts or just check in with us on our Facebook Group!
BHR Crisis Line: 314-469-6644 or (TTY) 314-469-3638
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) activated a statewide public hotline for citizens or providers needing guidance regarding the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. At 8 a.m. today, the hotline opened and can be reached at 877-435-8411. The hotline is being operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are asked to self-quarantine, please call your CSS or Unit Staff to help you navigate the process.
Please share this message with members and other community participants.
For the most up-to-date resources, information and guidance on the coronavirus epidemic, please consult the following resources: